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Web Consultation

Cybersecurity Score and Rating

Night shift

The Cybersecurity Domain Scan Report provides rapid insight into your organisation’s Cybersecurity posture by combining highly rated Cybersecurity Scanning platforms.

These platforms use publicly available information, which is also available to your adversaries.

The following supporting information is also provided as part of a the report:

* The risk report that lists all findings, including IP addresses, severity rating, risk description, Cybersecurity Score, Cybersecurity Rating (from A to F) along with the expected Cybersecurity Score if the Critical, High and Medium Controls were remediated (usually to achieve a rating of A).

* The detailed report, which is a comprehensive PDF that summarises the findings in an easily readable report format.


For an organisation to obtain this level of insight by using the platforms directly would require an investment of over $23k per annum.  Instead, we provide point-in-time reports as follows:

1 Domain - One-off Point in Time scan: $2,990 pre-GST


4 Domains - One-off Point in Time scan: $6,990 pre-GST

4 Domains - Quarterly scans Point in Time: $687 each pre-GST. $8,990 pre-GST.



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To find out more, book a 30 minute FREE consult with John Halliday

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